
Estefan  哈囉,商品尺寸有問題,是否可以盡快回覆如何處理?

2022-02-14 15:21:42   [ 27.246.134.*** ]

惠星  有大罩杯的嗎?

2021-05-18 20:08:08   [ 101.9.197.*** ]

88PRETTY購物網  您好:最大只有40C

2021-05-20 10:18:46   [ 220.143.231.*** ]

林零戚  幫我取消訂單 下單金額和你的廣告不符

2020-11-29 21:41:48   [ 101.137.58.*** ]

88PRETTY購物網  您好、出貨金額都是跟廣告金額一樣的、是系統沒有變更、、有任何問題直接上粉絲團私訊

2020-11-29 21:47:47   [ 1.200.85.*** ]

Raju  We have received our order already. If we have any extra order please cancel that order. Thank you for your service...

2020-08-19 15:14:03   [ 59.124.9.*** ]

88PRETTY購物網  Another order has been cancelled, thank you

2020-08-29 18:27:50   [ 180.217.238.*** ]

Ashley  How can I finish my order? The box for service code number can\'t be edit, I can\'t type the code.

2018-07-27 19:28:51   [ 1.200.217.*** ]

  不好意思 為啥我的訂單 不見了 之前說要出貨 等了15天 現在連訂單都沒了

2018-12-01 19:06:59   [ 114.43.49.*** ]

88PRETTY購物網  您好:請在訂單留言哦^^謝謝

2018-12-01 19:53:12   [ 180.217.246.*** ]
